Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-Thon

dreamstime_readathongI don’t know who came up with this great button for Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-Thon, but I’m thinking my husband may be more supportive if he sees it 🙂

This will be my first read-a-thon and I am really looking forward to it.  I have a stack of books (you can see some of them here), mostly less than 300 pages and have even got a few audio books to rest my eyes.  I like challenges and this one is right up my alley.  And because I sometimes can’t stop myself from going too far, I am making it a goal to stay awake and read for the whole 24 hours!  This is only a goal, sometimes a body does what it wants, but I think I can do it.  Of course, sometimes I’m a delusional.

So, have you signed up and are you aiming for the whole 24 hours?

10 thoughts on “Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-Thon

  1. bermudaonion says:

    I’m sure your husband would be totally supportive if you would dress like that during the read-a-thon. You might not get much reading done, though. I hope you have a great time!

    I am really looking forward to it!

  2. alitareads says:

    I second Katy’s comment – dressing like that might be counterproductive.

    I don’t think I could read the whole time, so I’ve signed up as a cheerleader. I’ll still be around pretty much the whole day (minus the night time hours) cheering you courageous readers on!

    When Jason saw the button he was much more interested in this read-a-thon thing, LOL. I’ll need all the cheering you can handle.

  3. Margot @ Joyfully Retired says:

    I’m looking forward to the read-a-thon too. I know I can’t stay awake the whole 24 but I’m hoping for 18. We’ll see. I’ll come cheer you on.

    Well, 24 hours is the goal, but I’ll try not to beat myself up if I can’t make it.

  4. Wanda says:

    Cute button! Good luck with the read-a-thon; wish I could join but it’s another busy weekend coming up.

    We’ve been busy the last 2 read-a-thons so I am happy to get the chance to participate in this one.

  5. Florinda says:

    I’m signed up, but I know I’ll need breaks for sleep, food, and a few things I probably can’t reschedule, so I’ll be pleased if I make it through at least 14 of the 24 hours. Good luck going for the whole thing!

    I’m not discounting a nap, but I’m hoping to avoid it.

  6. jennygirl says:

    I think you can stay up for 24 hours no problem. It’s the next day when you try to sync back up with the non-delusional people that may be a challenge.
    Well good luck and I will try to stop by to cheer you on.

    That button is cute. But of course if I truly tried to multi-task half naked, I would end up hurting myself. Accidentally of course 🙂

  7. Dana says:

    I’m going to try to stay up the whole 24 hours too but I am going to take breaks to be a cheerleader and post updates to twitter, facebook and my blog. And I’m hosting a mini challenge too. Good luck tomorrow!

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