Southern Reading Challenge

Maggie is hosting this challenge for the third time, although I’m a first-timer.

I have from May 15th (I’m late, of course!) to August 15th to read three books set in the south.  I’ve always lived up north, but am charmed by the stories set  in the south, so I’ve looked at my shelves and chosen three that fit the challenge.  I suppose I could change my choices later, but I’m starting with these…

Sights Unseen by Kaye Gibbons – set in North Carolina

Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil by John Berendt – set in Savannah

The Little Friend by Donna Tartt – set in Mississippi

Now all I have to do is get reading!

6 thoughts on “Southern Reading Challenge

  1. jennygirl says:

    I throughly enjoyed Midnight in the Garden of Good And Evil. Hope you will too. That book is the whole reason why I want to visit Savannah 🙂

    I saw the movie when it came out, and remeber very little about it except that I loved Savannah!

  2. Literary Feline says:

    I’m reading a Southern book right now and for a hot minute considered joining the challenge, but decided I’m already in way over my head. I wish you lukc with the challenge and enjoy your books!

  3. The old roomate says:

    You’ve always lived in the north. Except for, you know, your time in the heart of the Confederacy.

    Fine, if you want to get technical about it! I did spend a little time around our nation’s capital, with a wonderful roommate who shall remain nameless.

  4. Megan says:

    I love Southern reads, too! You’ve inspired me — I definitely need to dig out several Southern novels from my TBR stack to check out soon. Pretty much everything I’ve been reading lately has been set in London or New York City. I’m sick of urban life!

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